Manly Village Public School Parents & Citizens

Beach Bites Canteen

(02) 9977 2478

MVPS Beach Bites Canteen

About the Canteen

Beach Bites Canteen is owned and operated by the MVPS P&C as a service to the families of Manly Village Public School. Canteen Manager Lori and Diane aim to provide fresh, healthy and affordable food on a daily basis to all Manly Village children.

The canteen provides a unique opportunity for children to interact with different adults, use money and also practice patience and use their beautiful manners during transactions. The canteen prides itself on providing support to all children everyday.

Does your child have a food allergy or food intolerance? Please call Lori to discuss options: (02) 9977 2478

Ordering and payment

  • If you wish to provide your child with spending money for the canteen, $2-$3 is plenty to buy a yummy recess treat and something frozen at afternoon break.

  • If you miss the 9:15am cut off for lunch orders, there is a limited late menu option on Flexischools.

  • To pay any outstanding canteen debts, use the Flexischools IOU option.

  • Please feel free to call Lori and Di directly on (02) 9977 2478 with any questions or queries.



Lunches: 11am (Mon-Fri)

Frozen Break/Afternoon Tea: 2:00pm ($1 ice blocks, $2 soft serve, $3 pure pops)


Recess: 11am (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs)

1pm Lunch service followed by frozen break

Friday - PSSA Sport Day

11:20am Lunch service, 1pm Recess/Frozen break

pancake fridays

The canteen provides homemade pancakes each Friday morning for $1.

birthday ice blocks

Quelch Sticks can be purchased through the canteen on Flexischools or directly over the counter.

Please note: You do not need to know the exact headcount for your birthday ice blocks order. The canteen will make sure there are enough for your child’s class. Also, the canteen does not store food or frozen food items from outside.

The children LOVE to see family in the canteen - they get very excited, feel very proud and it makes them feel part of the school community.