Manly Village Public School Parents & Citizens
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 CPR - Class Parent Representatives

Class Parent Representatives (CPRs) play an integral role at Manly Village. CPRs are volunteer parents and carers who facilitatecommunication between the classroom, teachers, school and families. CPRs support class families and promote parent involvement in our school community by:

·       Communicating messages to MVPS families

·       Coordinating class events such as Harmony Day and the Term 4 Dance Concert 

·       Providing a contact person for the class parents/carers 

·       Supporting parents, particularly those new to MVPS, by providing advice and information

How can I get involved?

CPRs volunteer in Term 1 after a discussion with their teacher at Meet the Teacher nights. However, CPRs are always on the lookout for parent/carer volunteers to help out in the class and with school events. 

To get involved or for more information, contact the CPR Coordinator at