Welcome to the Manly Village P&C!
At Manly Village Public School, we have a wonderfully dynamic Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association. The P&C supports the school in a myriad of ways, including running the canteen, Manly Village Markets, and the Second Hand Uniform Shop; which generate funds for the P&C to further support the school. In addition, we conduct fundraising and obtain grants for the school provided by the Department of Education.
The P&C collaborates with The School Executive and the local community to help enrich our childrens’ experience at MVPS.
The P&C meets once per Term see schedule
We start at 7pm and finish by 815pm. Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate. By attending P&C meetings you have the opportunity to vote on how funds are spent and discuss many aspects of the school, including direct engagement with the
Every parent at Manly Village has the opportunity to be involved with a huge array of projects throughout the school, capturing a broad range of interests and talents. If you have even a little bit of time and enthusiasm, please reach out to us!
The Manly Village Public School Parents and Citizens Association is a member of the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW and is a Registered Charity. It is operates under a Constitution and By-Laws.