Life Membership
In recognition of their significant contribution to the MVPS P&C and/or the school the following people have been awarded the honour of Lifetime Membership.
Ben Streckeisen
Clare Jolly
Jacquie Schofield
Jason Letchford
Jodie Streckeisen
Katie Hindmarsh
Lou Belle Barret
Megan Cracknell
Amanda Luckett
Jude Furniss
Henke du Plessis
Gab Stokes
Paul Stokes
Sally McKinnon
Melinda Graetz
Neale Siebert
Jake Krausmann
Tennelle Coddington
Brad Down
Lorraine O’Callaghan
Kayleen Thomas
Rainer Noack
Jennifer Mulveny
Greg Heesom
Sarah Heesom
Amanda Leahy
Annette Roper
Mari Notaras
Neil Moon
Sam Hindmarsh
Elizabeth Slater