Manly Village Public School Parents & Citizens


The MVPS Markets

The Manly Village Public School Markets have been running for over 30 years and is a very popular monthly event putting the school at the heart of the community. The markets are held the 3rd Saturday of every month open from 8am to 4pm and run by the ineffable Simon. 

Manly Markets - sells new and used goods. There are a collection of clothes, furniture, plants, jewellery, art, homewares, and food. It is a vibrant collection of stalls and an exciting place to shop and browse around. 

See the Market’s Facebook page for more details and to book a stall.

Since Simon has been running the markets, he has helped to raise over $857,000 for the P&C from stall holder fees.

How can I get involved?

Firstly, visit the market and spend your money! If you are interested in volunteering to help with market setup, car parking or pack up please contact Simon at